Guest Post

If you are a fellow PF (Personal Finance) Blogger and would like to submit a guest post please send me a note by adding a comment here. It’s a great way to show your writing to some new readers. Even if you are not a blogger, I’ve hosted posts from readers who just had an urge to write and share some great ideas. It will be great to hear from you.

Criteria –

If you are a fellow blogger, just give the link to your site and I’ll take a peek.

If you don’t blog but wish to write, an example of your work elsewhere is a requirement.

If you “require” multiple links as a condition of guest posting, I will drop the request into the trash. One or two links to your business page are acceptable. I prefer not to get scammed.

If you write a long generic request with no details requested above, you’re not going to get a response. To be clear, if no link to example writing is included, I will not reply.

Articles should be 400-600 words, appeal to my readership, and contain one public domain image applicable to the article.


PS – You know this site is about Roth IRAs, right? So an article on Roth 401(k) accounts or Traditional IRAs is appropriate, but when I get a comment “I can write on a number of subjects such as Animals, Finance, Relationship, SEO, Travel, Pet care, Shopping, Technology, Business, Home improvement Web designing, hosting or anything you suggest,” I’m not going to respond. It goes right in the spam folder. Sorry.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

You always do a great job of explaining things.
I can definitely see where you’re coming from and I appreciate
the insight. I shared this on Facebook and my friends seemed to enjoy it too.
Keep it up!


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